Sometimes I assign importance to people who really don't deserve it.
As I go through this life of mine, I try to grow and become a better person than who I am currently (not that where I'm at isn't great already, but we can all Learn and grow). Sometimes though, I way overcompensate. I treat everyone in my life special, mostly because the way I grew up was feeling unimportant, but that's a whole 'nother blog, book actually. The thing is, I would really hate for anyone to feel like they don't matter, especially to me.
This brings me to the people, who take kindness for weakness. Who don't appreciate friendship. Mannerless neanderthals who have self-inflated egos that with added attention, only get worse.
I need to do better about ridding myself of toxic people. No matter how much they thought they've changed. Truth be told, bad is bad and if bad doesn't recognize itself, it can never improve. It can never heal. It can never grow.
Im going to try to do this cleansing in 2014. I don't rid myself of people easily, because I begin to feel badly about it. Like I've abandoned someone who needs help. But who appointed me that position? No one. I'm not responsible for fixing something I didn't break, and I deserve SO much better.
Forewarning..... its going to be a very interesting year.
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